T-Minus 48 Hours!
Post date: Jan 25, 2011 5:48:04 PM
January 25 (AM) - As a child, I (Grady) was always captivated by the NASA countdowns prior to the shuttle launch. It seemed as though the anticipation built as the clock counted down to liftoff. Well, we are now in a countdown with even more anticipation for us! The doctors have us scheduled to go home on Thursday around lunch time! That schedule is provided there are no surprises or setbacks. As of now, Grady Jeremiah has met all of the qualifications on paper to go home... (1) 5 days with no bradycardias (heart rate drops due to breathing lapses), (2) able to do all feeds via bottle and be gaining weight, and (3) able to maintain his body temperature over 48 hours while in a cribThings are moving fast to get him ready to be discharged! Here are a few updates of what has occurred in the last 24 hours...
- All immunizations are complete - Last night Grady Jeremiah had his final three immunizations: Hepatitis-B, Pneumococcal Conjugate, and Synagis (to help protect against RSV). He had no fever or reactions to those shots!
- Echocardiogram done - The nurses have heard a faint heart murmur in recent weeks but thought it was "innocent." Yesterday the doctors did an echocardiogram to check on that murmur. They found it is patent ductus arteriosus. That is when a small hole in the heart that normally closes when a baby is born remains open, resulting in flow through it. However, that hole is small and appears to be closing so the doctors are not concerned. We are scheduled to have a follow up scan in 6-12 months back here at UAB to verify that everything progresses with it as expected.
- Follow up appointments are being scheduled - We have a pediatrician in Auburn now and are in the process of setting up follow up appointments with her, with an optometrist in Auburn, and with the early intervention program.
We are asking lots of questions to learn as much as we can about his care before we leave. Please be praying for us as we make preparations for the trip home. Please pray that Grady Jeremiah will stay healthy and not have any setbacks.
We will keep you posted on the countdown!