Since They Say I'm Going Home...

Post date: Jan 26, 2011 2:25:37 AM

... I decided to become more independent :-)

January 25 (PM) - Things are still progressing for a Thursday morning discharge. We are excited, and a bit nervous, all at the same time! We are still asking lots of questions and trying to maximize our time learning from the amazing medical staff here.

Apparently Grady Jeremiah heard us talking about him getting bigger and going home. Today he decided he wanted to start "taking things into his own hands." First, he has decided that he wanted to try to hold his pacifier at times, as well as try to help us hold the bottle when we are feeding him. It has not enhanced the feeding time yet, but at least he wants to be involved :-) Second, he decided we were not moving fast enough on removing his NG feeding tube that went through his nose. In the pacifier picture above and to the right, it is the orange tube you see on his face. We have mentioned before that he has repeatedly tried to remove the tube. Each time I have seen his hand near it, I remind him of the deal I made with him... Once he is able to take all of his feeds via bottle, it can come out. Apparently I did not move fast enough on that deal! He has taken all of his feeds via bottle for several days now. We were waiting for the nurse to remove the tube tonight, so we affectionately told him that while we couldn't remove it, he could. Fifteen minutes later we looked and guess what we saw? I'll let the pictures explain the rest!

Remember that you can click on any picture on this blog to see a larger version of it.

Thank you for praying for us as we make preparations to go home. Please continue to pray for us over these next 48 hours of transition.